Creating minimal JEE Web-Application for with authentication

- Items: Revel

User Administration

When I was first introduced to jee, I was impressed how fast I could create a simple web application. But I was also really intimidated by the large amount of strange sounding abbreviations like servlet, jsp, jsf, jpa, jta, jndi and others. But highly motivated I started reading into topic by topic. Confident to be on the right track, I decided to create my first web Applikation. As often the case, I wantet to begin with a simble but nice and secure login page which meant user management and authentication. I thought “this should be easy, as every web application needs this kind of thing”. Yeah, this is how the pain really started…

#Topics to learn Without rampling to much about the unessesary complexity of what should be easy task, let’s talk about the topics I want to archive here.

The goal is to create a simple web app that needs a user authentication and then, when the role that was selectet for a user has sufficient rights, that user can add new user and set/add roles for them. So, what strange words will we have to learn?

  • jpa
  • jndi
  • jdbc

2019-06-30 01:02:15

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